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13.02.2025 Book recommandations New book review about "Precious Milestones" by Sonia Aldana Morales
05.02.2025 Fotos Neues Foto von Marie Joy, Mädchen mit Anenzephalie
05.02.2025 pictures New pictures of Ruhee, little girl with anencephaly
04.02.2025 Ruhee New story about Ruhee, a little girl with anencephaly
04.02.2025 Marie Joy Neuer Erfahrungsbericht über Marie Joy, Baby mit Anenzephalie
10.09.2024 Links Neue Links zu den Perinatale Palliativteam im St. Josef Krankenhaus Wien und der Charité Berlin
30.08.2024 Mabel New story of Mabel Starla Rose
24.06.2024 Della New story of Della, baby with anencephaly
24.06.2024 pictures New pictures
14.05.2024 Mirabel Monique New story of Mirabel Monique, baby with anencephaly
24.04.2024 Діти з аненцефалією Нова сторінка українською
24.04.2024 Цінність Нова сторінка українською
04.03.2024 Frères et sœurs d'un bébé atteint d'anencéphalie Nouveau lien vers l'article "Deuil périnatal : un deuil aussi pour la fratrie ?"
23.02.2024 Siblings of a baby with anencephaly New book recommandation for children: "Our Baby Is Loved" by Abigail Gellene-Beaudoin
08.02.2024 Frères et sœurs d'un bébé atteint d'anencéphalie Nouvelle page, comment aider la fratrie?
27.01.2024 Links Novo link para o livro MARIA, a menina milagre
27.01.2024 Siblings of a baby with anencephaly New links to the Pediatric Palliatif Care Coalition and the Courageous Parents Network
23.01.2024 Littérature Nouveau lien vers la vidéo d'un livre pour enfant
23.01.2024 Links New link to the podcast of Zipporah's story about her son Leo
19.01.2024 Bibliography New book recommandation about "Eight hours of Eternity"
19.01.2024 Link Nuovo link al libro "Giacomo, il mio piccolo missionario"
11.12.2023 Links New link to Leaves in Time
05.10.2023 Links New link to Birdie Elliot's video
20.09.2023 Geschwister Geschwistern eines Babys mit Anenzephalie helfen
02.08.2023 Natalie Joy New story of Natalie Joy, baby with anencephaly
27.06.2023 Affrontare l'anencefalia in una gravidanza gemellare nuova pagina in italiano
27.06.2023 Perché portare in grembo un bimbo morente? La prospettiva di una madre
27.06.2023 Benedict Oliver La storia di Benedict Oliver, bébé con anencefalia
27.06.2023 Charlotte Mary La storia di Charlotte, bébé con anencefalia
18.05.2023 Siblings of a baby with anencephaly update of the page with new content and new book recommandation
10.04.2023 Siblings of a baby with anencephaly How to help your other children when you learn that your baby has anencephaly
20.03.2023 John Joseph New story of JJ, baby with anencephaly
31.01.2023 Anouk ou la valeur d'une vie nouveau text en français
16.01.2023 Der Wert eines Lebens Neuer Text
14.01.2023 Twins New links of resources for parents of twins
11.01.2023 Memories New ideas added to the memory and keepsakes page
23.12.2022 Jason e Carson La storia di Jason e Carson, gemelli identici, monocoriali monoamniotici
22.12.2022 Charlotte's birthplan The birthplan of a mom who has already lost another child to anencephaly
22.12.2022 Why carry a dying child? The perspective of a mother who carried two babies with anencephaly
22.12.2022 Charlotte Mary Charlotte Mary, the story of the little sister of Benedict
16.12.2022 Oran e Jude La storia d'Oren e Jude, gemelli identici, monocoriali, diamniotici, che condividono la placenta
16.12.2022 Anastasia Joy La storia d'Anastasia, bébé con anencefalia
16.12.2022 Benedict Oliver Benedict Oliver, the story of a baby with anencephaly
15.12.2022 Brigid La storia di Brigid, bébé con anencefalia nato in casa
15.12.2022 Ira La storia d'Ira, bébé con anencefalia
15.12.2022 Carys e Paxton La storia de Carys e Paxton, gemelli con anencefalia
14.12.2022 Ambra Storm Nuova storia in italiano
22.11.2022 Kaden and Kaysen New story of the twins Kaden and Kaysen
11.05.2022 آيرا new story in Arabic
10.05.2022 عربي New section of the anencephaly.info site in Arabic!
10.05.2022 Dansk New section of the anencephaly.info site in Danish!
28.04.2022 Bibliography New book added to the bibliography: Carrying to Term
A Guide for Parents After a Devastating Prenatal Diagnosis, by Jane Lebak
25.06.2021 참고문헌 한국어로 된 새 페이지
25.06.2021 Książki nowa strona w jezyku polskim
23.06.2021 Links New link to the Child Neurology Foundation, committed to helping children and their families living with a neurologic condition receive the best quality of care - and achieve their highest quality of life - by providing information, education, and one-on-one support when it's needed most
22.06.2021 Literatur Neuer Hinweis auf das Buch "Marinus", Hilfe nach Abtreibung
29.04.2021 pictures New picture of Luke
29.04.2021 Luke New story of Luke Anderson Wilde, a baby with anencephaly
09.02.2021 Ricardo Nueva historia de Ricardo, bebé con anencefalia
18.01.2021 Remembering places Creating remembering places or how to remember your baby after death
08.01.2021 Links about anencephaly Added a new link to Zoe Faith carried by love, a non profit who helps creating memories
07.01.2021 Carys et Paxton Nouveau témoignage en français des jumeaux Carys et Paxton
05.01.2021 Stories by month Find a new list where the English stories are listed by the baby's birthday
04.01.2021 Ava-Marie Added the story of Ava-Marie, a little girl with anencephaly
29.11.2020 pictures New picture of Gabriel Jude
29.11.2020 Gabriel Jude Added the story of Gabriel Jude, a baby with anencephaly
13.11.2020 Hat Pattern Pattern for crocheted hats that will fit for babies with anencephaly
12.11.2020 Hat Pattern Pattern for a knitted hat that will fit for babies with anencephaly
12.10.2020 Jumeaux Faire face à l'anencéphalie lorsqu'on attend des jumeaux
31.08.2020 Juda Neuer Erfahrungsbericht über Juda, Baby in Anenzephalie
31.08.2020 Fotos Neue Fotos von Juda, Baby in Anenzephalie
03.07.2020 Langage éthique Nouvel article: "Langage éthique et prise de décision pour les malformations létales diagnostiquées avant la naissance", traduction de l'article "Ethical language and decision-making for prenatally diagnosed lethal malformations" de Dominic Wilkinson, Lachlan de Crespigny et Vicki Xafis
24.06.2020 pictures New picture of Luna Faith
24.06.2020 Luna Faith Added the story of Luna Faith, a baby with anencephaly
18.06.2020 Music Added a new song: Dance again by Nathan Peterson
18.06.2020 Music Added a new song: Olivia by Nathan Peterson
20.04.2020 Photos Nouvelle photo d'Abdallah, bébé avec acranie et trisomie 18
20.04.2020 Abdallah Nouveau témoignage en français
17.02.2020 Vincent Ambrose new story about Vincent Ambrose, baby born with anencephaly
04.02.2020 Podcasts New links to podcasts about anencephaly
14.01.2020 20 raisons Nouvelle traduction: 20 raisons d'y réfléchir à deux fois avant d'interrompre une grossesse pour anencéphalie.
17.12.2019 Haven William New story about Haven William, baby born with anencephaly
11.11.2019 Ambra Update on Ambra's story for the 8th anniversary of her birth
22.10.2019 Folheto: Crianças com Anencefalia New flyer in Portuguese
19.09.2019 Jessica Marie Nuova storia in italiano / New story in Italian
26.08.2019 Fotos New picture on the Spanish picture page
26.08.2019 Victoria New story in Spanish
19.07.2019 Weiterbildungszyklus in Berlin Stirbt ein Kind w&aauml;hrend der Schwangerschaft, bei der Geburt oder kurz danach, erscheint der Tod da, wo er nicht erwartet wird. Im Kontinuum Elternwerden ist alles ausgerichtet auf Hinwendung und Fürsorge. Es kommt zu Trennung und Abschied, wo gerade Beziehung am entstehen ist. Der Tod des Kindes erschüttert die werdenden Eltern zutiefst.
Die begleitenden Fachpersonen sind gefordert, innezuhalten und sich selber zu beruhigen. So dass sie den Eltern mitfühlend und haltgebend zur Seite stehen und sachkundige Geburtshilfe praktizieren können.
Der Weiterbildungszyklus richtet sich an freiberufliche und in Institutionen tätige Hebammen, ÄrztInnen, Pflegefachleute, TherapeutInnen, SeelsorgerInnen und Fachleute aus verwandten Berufen, die ihr Fachwissen vertiefen, die Zusammenhänge mehr verstehen und ihr Tun reflektieren wollen.
06.06.2019 pamphlet in Indonesian our anencephaly brochure is now available in Indonesian!
03.06.2019 pamphlet in Arab our anencephaly brochure is now available in Arab!
03.06.2019 Links New link to Sofia Ann's story
19.03.2019 Pictures New pictures of Albi and Bobby
19.03.2019 Albi and Bobby Update of Albi and Bobby's story
28.01.2019 Pictures New pictures of Ozzie Isaiah
28.01.2019 Ozzie Isaiah New story about Ozzie Isaiah, baby born with anencephaly
24.01.2019 Pictures New pictures of Railyn Hope
24.01.2019 Railyn Hope New story about Railyn Hope, baby born with anencephaly
23.01.2019 Fotos Neues Foto von Hanna Madita
23.01.2019 Hanna Madita Neuer Bericht über Hanna Madita
15.01.2019 Pictures New pictures of Olivia-Elise
15.01.2019 Olivia-Elise New story about Olivia-Elise, baby born with anencephaly
20.11.2018 Pictures New pictures of Everly
20.11.2018 Everly New story about Everly, baby born with anencephaly
10 Things that I learned from my daughter Everly and her diagnosis of Anencephaly
05.10.2018 Pictures New pictures of Joshua Philip
05.10.2018 Joshua Philip New story about Joshua Philip, baby born with anencephaly
21.09.2018 Il legame tra genitori e bambini affetti d’anencefalia New page in italian
14.09.2018 Anencephaly Brochure New versions of our anencephaly brochure are now available to be downloaded!
16.08.2018 Albi and Bobby new story of twins
25.04.2018 Pictures New picture of Wendy Belle
25.04.2018 Wendy Belle New story about Wendy Belle, baby born with anencephaly
26.03.2018 Pictures New picture of Brigid Valentine
26.03.2018 Brigid Valentine New story about Brigid Valentine, baby born with anencephaly
23.03.2018 Prevention of anencephaly New link to the PONTI study
16.03.2018 Pictures New pictures of Charlotte Kathleen
16.03.2018 Charlotte Kathleen New story about Charlotte Kathleen, baby born with anencephaly
09.03.2018 Pictures New picture of Serenity Grace
09.03.2018 Serenity Grace New story about Serenity Grace, baby born with anencephaly
26.02.2018 Sofia New story in Portuguese
nova história em português
21.02.2018 Informatieblad over anencefalie New flyer in Dutch
30.01.2018 Links to birthplans added new links to the birth- and parentingplans
18.01.2018 Fotos Neue Bilder von Valentina auf der Fotoseite
18.01.2018 Valentina Neuer Erfahrungsbericht über Valentina, Baby mit Anenzephalie
03.10.2017 Pictures New picture of Avery Ann
03.10.2017 Avery Ann New story about Avery Ann, baby born with anencephaly
31.07.2017 Isbella Haydee Nueva historia en español
03.07.2017 Анна и Тесс New story in Russian
08.06.2018 Links to stories New link to Silas Lee's story
08.06.2018 Links to stories New link to Hazel Elizabeth's story
27.05.2018 Links to stories New link to Lailah Joy's story told by her mom Melody in a postcast
19.05.2018 Links to blogs New link to Jaycee's blog
18.05.2017 Pictures New picture of Jaycee
18.05.2017 Jaycee New story about Jaycee, baby born with anencephaly
18.05.2017 Flyer sur l'anencéphalie Nouveau flyer en français
18.05.2017 알림지 New pamphlet in Korean
18.05.2017 Информация об анэнцефалии New Pamphlet in Russian
18.05.2017 Infoblatt Neues Infoblatt
18.05.2017 Pictures New pictures of James Henry
18.05.2017 James Henry New story about James Henry, baby born with anencephaly
24.04.2017 Links about cephalic disorders New link to the blog about Jonathan, a boy with encephalocele
04.04.2017 David neuer Erfahrungsbericht in Deutsch über David, Baby mit Encephalocele
19.12.2016 Информация об анэнцефалии New page in Russian
16.12.2016 Link Check All (hopefully) dead links have been deleted and when possible actualized
02.12.2016 Links New link to the video of Evelyn Loraine
28.11.2016 Links texts written by fathers New link to My first son, a pure memory
11.11.2016 Literatur Neue Buchrezensionen:
"Gehalten, wenn nichts mehr hält" von Katrin Schmidt
"Viereinhalb Wochen" von Constanze Bohg
09.11.2016 Анук Новая история на русском языке
New story in Russian
08.11.2016 Pictures New pictures of Ethan David
08.11.2016 Ethan David New story about Ethan David, baby born with anencephaly
26.09.2016 Gilda Joann New story about Gilda Joann, baby born with anencephaly
16.09.2016 Bibliography New book "Maranomi: The story of Paxton Cole and Carys Rainn"
16.09.2016 Links New link to Embracing Grace
28.06.2016 Links New links to the video and story of Grace Elisabeth
15.04.2016 Fotoratschläge Überarbeitung der Seite, neue Links
11.04.2016 Literatur Neue Hinweise auf die Bücher "Dem Leid seinen Stachel ziehen", "Deine Schritte im Sand" und "Mein Sternenkind"
11.04.2016 Links in italiano new links, book review of "Siamo nati e non moriremo mai più"
11.04.2016 Littérature Nouvelle récension de livre: "Nous sommes nés et ne mourrons jamais plus"
11.04.2016 Bibliography New book book review: "A Witness To Joy"
04.04.2016 Pictures New pictures of Emmanuel
04.04.2016 Emmanuel John New story of Emmanuel John, baby with anencephaly
08.03.2016 Pictures new pictures of Kyra
08.03.2016 Kyra update of Kyra's story
31.12.2015 Levi Nathanaël New story in Dutch
9.11.2015 Links New link to the song about Samantha
09.11.2015 Videos New link to the video of Dasha. Watch how the Coordinated Care for Kids team at Florida Hospital for Children helped the Dennis family celebrate their daughter Dasah in the face of a devastating diagnosis.
12.10.2015 Kyra new story about Kyra, a baby with anencephaly
12.10.2015 Pictures new picture of Joy
12.10.2015 Joy new story about Joy, a baby with anencephaly
02.06.2015 Pictures new picture of Eira Rae
02.06.2015 Eira Rae new story about Eira Rae, a baby with anencephaly
11.05.2015 Blogs New link to the blog about Jesaiah Alexander
11.05.2015 Jesaiah Alexander nueva historia en español
04.05.2015 Links to stories New Link to Tessie and Noah's story
27.04.2015 Über uns Wer ist hinter der anencephaly.info Website?
27.04.2015 About Who is behind the anencephaly.info website?
20.05.2015 Links to videos new link to the videos of Truett and Branch
20.05.2015 Links new link to Scarlett and Vivienne's story, monoamniotic-monochorionic twins
23.03.2015 Organ Donation new page: Can children with anencephaly participate in organ or tissue donation?
20.02.2015 Pictures new pictures of Lucy Sunflower
20.02.2015 Lucy Sunflower new story about Lucy Sunflower, a baby with anencephaly
18.02.2015 Links about pictures and keepsakes new link to Heartfelt Australia
11.02.2015 Links to stories new link to Lilly Kate and Cowen's story
05.02.2015 Pictures new pictures of Marley Jane
05.02.2015 Marley Jane new story about Marley Jane, a baby with anencephaly
29.01.2015 Pictures new pictures of Wonderful Legacy
29.01.2015 Wonderful Legacy new story about Wonderful Legacy, a baby with anencephaly
26.01.2015 Pictures new pictures of Nathan Lukas
26.01.2015 Blogs added a new link to Kristine's blog about her son Branch
26.01.2015 Korea, 셰인 마이클 헤일리 한국어 새 페이지, 셰인 마이클 헤일리
24.01.2015 Nathan new story about Nathan, a baby with anencephaly
19.012015 Вопросы (FAQ) Новая страница в России
new page in Russian
19.01.2015 Shane Michael new story about Shane Michael, a baby with anencephaly
19.01.2015 Pictures new pictures of Shane Michael
15.01.2015 Oliver new story about Oliver, a baby with anencephaly
15.01.2015 Pictures new pictures of Oliver
17.12.2014 Pictures new pictures of Harlan
02.03.2014 Korea, 한국어 부분 한국어 새 페이지, 마르셀 & 막시밀리안
02.03.2014 Korea, 한국어 부분 한국어 새 페이지, 튜제임스 & 노아레일레이
02.03.2014 Korea, 한국어 부분 한국어 새 페이지, 안나 & 테스
24.09.2014 Leo or the joy before us new story about Leo, a baby with anencephaly
25.09.2014 Links New link to Hearts & Halos, non profit about anencephaly
24.09.2014 Pictures new pictures of Marvella
24.09.2014 Marvella Jean Love new story about Marvella, a baby with anencephaly
03.09.2014 When Love Is Withheld From Us new story in the family section: my sister had a baby with anencephaly
03.09.2014 Erop Новая история на русском языке
new story in Russian
26.07.2014 Links new links to the blog about Joy Marie and the video about Amalya
06.07.2014 Pictures new pictures of Kaitlin Mary
06.07.2014 Kaitlin Mary new story in English, Katie was alive for 9 months and 5 days
24.06.2014 Links new links to the following blog Abigail Leigh
new link to Abigail Leigh's video
24.06.2014 Pictures new pictures of Abigail Leigh
24.06.2014 Abigail Leigh new story in English
04.06.2014 Links new links to the following blogs: Savannah Joy
31.05.2014 Pictures new pictures of Presley Marie
31.05.2014 Presley Marie new story in English
13.05.2014 Sample Advance Directive Birth Plan new sample birthplan to download
12.05.2014 Support Group new link to our support group on facebook
12.05.2014 Ryder William new story in English
06.03.2014 Videos of babies with anencephaly new link to Noah, Raylee Jo, Aubrey Elizabeth, Caleb John and Ryder Matthew's video
02.03.2014 Korea, 한국어 부분 한국어 새 페이지
12.02.2014 Korea, 한국어 부분 한국어 새 페이지
06.02.2014 Korea, 한국어 부분 한국어 새 페이지
03.02.2014 Links to support groups new link to One Day More
30.01.2014 Korea, 한국어 부분 new section in korean of the anencephaly.info pages
한국어로 된 새로운 부분
23.01.2014 Amalya Nathaniel new story in English
20.01.2014 Texts written by fathers new link to Glorifying God in Life and Death written by Joses' father Seth
03.01.2014 Links to stories New links to the stories of Josephine Blevins, Jessie and Talia Finn
03.01.2014 Tapfere Knirpse Neuer Link zu Tapfere Knirpse möchte von schweren Krankheiten betroffenen Kindern und deren Familien in einer schweren Zeit Mut machen. Wenn düstere Schatten die Familie bedrohen, möchten wir harmonische Momente fotografisch festhalten und ihnen Bilder voller Liebe und Zusammensein, voller Tapferkeit, Hoffnung und Kraft schenken.
03.01.2014 herzensbilder.ch Neuer Link zu Herzensbilder.ch
schickt Profi-Fotografen zu Familien mit schwerkranken, schwerbehinderten oder viel zu früh geborenen Kindern, um ihnen wunderschöne Familienbilder zu schenken.
03.01.2014 Italian Links New link to a video about perinatal hospice care in Italian
03.01.2014 Domino Neuer Link zu Domino, Zentrum für trauernde Kinder DOMINO bietet trauernden Kindern und Jugendlichen in Unterstützungsgruppen geschützte Räume, in denen sie ihren individuellen Trauerweg finden und ihre Trauergefühle kreativ durchleben können.
03.01.2014 Dein Sternenkind Neuer Link zu Dein Sternenkind, Deutsches Informationsportal, das Fotografen vermittelt, die die sich auf einfühlsame Aufnahmen sterbender oder verstorbener Neugeborener spezialisiert haben.
03.01.2014 Liam und Luis Neuer Link zu Liam und Luis' Geschichte in Bild und Ton
02.01.2014 Ethan Nicholas new story in English
14.11.2013 pictures New picture of Anastasia Joy
14.11.2013 Anastasia Joy new story in English
07.11.2013 Links to blogs new link to Annie Rachel's blog
07.11.2013 Links to videos new link to Annie Rachel's video
19.09.2013 Questionnaire about the diagnosis Would be willing to help me showing the participants of a conference about prenatal diagnosis what are the affected families' needs and experiences? Fill in the questionnaire!
12.09.2013 Fotos Neue Fotos von Anna auf der deutschen Foto.Seite
12.09.2013 Anna Strauss Neuer Erfahrungsbericht auf Deutsch
06.09.2013 Links to blogs new link to Sophia's blog
06.09.2013 Links to videos new link to Jude's video
05.09.2013 Links to helpful organisations new links to Birthweight Buddies and The Kendall Keepsake Foundations
03.09.2013 Links to helpful organisations new links to Sustaining Grace and Project Palmer
02.09.2013 Links to helpful organisations new link to Joshua's Little Buddies, to Baby Boards
01.09.2013 Advice for taking pictures new link to an article published in "The Lancet" by Todd Hochberg
31.08.2013 Links to twin stories new link to the story of Laurencia and Valencia monoamniotic monochorionic twins
31.08.2013 Testimonianze nouvi links in italiano
19.08.2013 Links to stories new link to Ivan's story
16.07.13 Links about organ donation new link to Purposeful Gift
02.07.2013 Erinnerungen Neuer Link zu unserer Pinterest Seite
02.07.2013 Advice for caregivers New links to Guidelines to use when speaking with parents who have received a potentially life-limiting diagnosis for their fetus or child and Practice Recommendations for Obstetric Ultrasonographers
02.07.2013 Help for affected families New link to Loss Doulas International
Advocates who help parents minimize regrets and maximize memories when a loved baby dies.
02.07.2013 Texts written by fathers new link to the video A letter from Dad"
23.06.2013 Links to stories new link to Skylar's story
10.06.2013 Memories and Keepsakes Check out our new page on pinterest
16.04.2013 Förderpreis lebenpur Wir haben einen Förderpreis gewonnen: Stiftung lebenpur, Pressemitteilung der Uni Erfurt
15.04.2013 Links to helpful sites for affected families new link to Practice Recommendations for Obstetric Sonographers
15.04.2013 Links to helpful sites for affected families new link to When your baby dies
10.04.2013 Eine ausführliche Rezension über unser Buch "Kinder mit Anenzephalie und ihre Familien" bei socialnet.de
08.04.2013 Christopher und Harry Neue Geschichte von Christopher und Harry, monochorial-diamniote Zwillinge, diskordant für Anenzephalie
07.04.2013 Fotos Neue Fotos von Matthew und Noah, monochorial-monoamniote Zwillinge
07.04.2013 Matthew und Noah Neue Geschichte von Matthew und Noah, monochorial-monoamniote Zwillinge, die beide Anenzephalie hatten
07.04.2013 Fotos Neue Fotos von Jason und Carson, monochorial-monoamniote Zwillinge
07.04.2013 Jason und Carson Neue Geschichte von Jason und Carson, monochorial-monoamniote Zwillinge
31.03.2013 pictures New picture of Elizabeth and Lauren
31.03.2013 Elizabeth and Lauren New story of Elizabeth and Lauren, identical twins (monochorionic, monoamniotic) discordant for anencephaly
29.03.2013 pictures New picture of Oran
29.03.2013 Oran and Jude New story of Oran and Jude, identical twins discordant for anencephaly
24.03.2013 pictures New picture of Matthew and Noah and Makenna
24.03.2013 Matthew James and Noah Ryleigh New story of Matthew James and Noah Ryleigh, identical twins who both had anencephaly
23.03.2013 Zwillinge Neue Sektion für den deutschen Teil der Website
12.03.2013 Links to stories New links to stories of twins discordant for anencephaly
11.03.2013 Makenna New story about Makenna, baby girl born with anencephaly
23.02.2013 Organ donation Baby Amalya, a Multi-Organ and Gift of Body Donor, Continues to Give Life
16.01.2013 pictures New picture of Madilynn Anahera, baby girl born with anencephaly
16.01.2013 Madilynn Anahera New story about Madilynn Anahera, baby girl born with anencephaly
29.12.2012 Support groups New link to Every life counts, an online outreach based in Ireland
10.12.2012 Organ donation What happens after you donate organs to research?
Presentation of a mom who donated her son's organs to research
29.11.2012 pictures New picture of Kassidy Briana, baby girl born with anencephaly
27.08.2012 Kassidy Briana New story about Kassidy, baby girl born with anencephaly
22.11.2012 Fotos nueva foto en español
22.11.2012 Leah Abigail nueva historia de Leah Abigail, bebé con anencefalia
05.11.2012 Links about organ donation New links
05.11.2012 Deutsche Links Neuer Link auf die Geschichte von Luna, ein Mädchen mit Anenzephalie
09.10.2012 Links support after loss New link to the A little Lifetime Foundation of Ireland
09.10.2012 Links for caregivers New link to the Series on Stillbirth in The Lancet
14.09.2012 Literatur Neue Buchempfehlung: "Sommerstürme" von Karen Kingsbury
11.09.2012 Blogs new links to Peter Benedict's, Amelia Lynn's, Eden Marie's, Colin's, Kassidy's, Evan Parker's, Hailee Kate's and Aliyah Joy's blogs
08.09.2012 Blogs new link to Kendall Mackenzie's blog
31.08.2012 Prevenção da anencefalia Nova página em Português
31.08.2012 Pesquisa que está sendo feita sobre a anencefalia Nova página em Português
23.10.2011 Relatório sobre o nascimento e a vida de bebês com anencefalia Nova página em Português
31.08.2012 Links em português New links to Livia Sophia and Mariana
27.08.2012 pictures New picture of Joshua Melvin, baby boy born with anencephaly
27.08.2012 Joshua Melvin New story about Joshua Melvin, baby boy born with anencephaly
17.08.2012 pictures New picture of Bethani Beryl, baby girl born with anencephaly
17.08.2012 Bethani Beryl New story about Bethani Beryl, baby girl born with anencephaly
19.07.2012 Descargar Folleto sobre Anencefalia
09.07.2012 Konferenz und Elterntreffen Am 2. November 2012 findet das diesjährige Elterntreffen an der Universität Erfurt statt und am 3. November der öffentliche Fach- und Begegnungstag: Abschied in Würde, Hilfe und Begleitung nach infauster Prognose in der Schwangerschaft.
Anmeldung und Informationen beim webmaster
23.06.2012 Mi Niña nueva historia en español
22.06.2012 Videos new link to Joshua Melvin's video
14.05.2012 Links New link to the story of Gabriel
11.05.2012 Links em português New links
24.04.2012 Links about cephalic disorders New link to Global Hydranencephaly Foundation
29.03.2012 Fotos New pictures of Luca on the Dutch picture page
29.03.2012 Luca Isaiah new story in Dutch
27.03.2012 Music new video and lyrics of the song "hello, goodbye" by Michael W. Smith
23.03.2012 pictures New pictures of Theo Nathaniel, baby boy born with anencephaly
23.03.2012 Theo Nathaniel New story about Theo Nathaniel, baby boy born with anencephaly
22.03.2012 about pictures and keepsakes New link to In Our Hearts Pendants
19.03.2012 pictures New pictures of Kevin Christopher, baby boy born with anencephaly
19.03.2012 Kevin Christopher New story about Kevin Christopher, baby boy born with anencephaly in 1979, alive for 20 days
15.03.2012 Wie Freunde und Familie helfen können vollständige Ueberarbeitung der Seite für Familie und Freunde
06.03.2012 Videos new link to Isaac Brigham's video
06.03.2012 Liens en français Nouveau lien vers l'association Coeurs de Papas
05.03.2012 Videos new link to Grace Mary, Sophia Grace and Grayson James' videos
01.03.2012 pictures New picture of Dorian Gabriel, baby boy born with anencephaly
22.02.2012 pictures New pictures of babies born with anencephaly
22.02.2012 Juliana Lucille New story about Juliana Lucille, baby girl born with anencephaly
17.01.2012 Rachel Alice Update of Rachel Alice's story
01.02.2012 Songs for grieving parents New song from Matt Hammitt "All Of Me"
17.01.2012 Rachel Alice New story about Rachel Alice, a little girl with anencephaly
07.01.2012 Ambra's grandmother New story written by Ambra's grandmother
07.01.2012 Private pictures New pictures on the private page for parents
04.01.2012 pictures New picture of Ambra Storm
04.01.2012 Ambra Storm New story about Micah and Kyle's daughter Ambra Storm
03.01.2012 Literatur Neue Buchbesprechung
03.01.2012 littérature nouveau livre ajouté
03.01.2012 Bibliography new books added
03.01.2012 Taylor Wayne Update about Taylor's little sister
29.12.2011 Noah Tobias new story of Noah Tobias, baby with anencephaly
21.12.2011 Videos new link to Jordyn Alexander's video
18.12.2011 Links new links to Cameron's and Emily's blogs about their daughter Caroline Grace
13.11.2011 Stephanie Update of Stephanie's story
23.10.2011 Links em Português new link to Diário da gestação de um bebê com anencefalia
23.10.2011 Grupo Vida Acrania e Anencefalia Apoio e contato entre pais de bebês com acrania e anencefalia
23.10.2011 Links em Português new links to blogs
23.10.2011 Criando vínculos Nova página em Português
20.10.2011 Pictures new pictures of Madeline, baby with anencephaly
20.10.2011 Madeline Grace and Molly Rose new story of Madeline Grace and Molly Rose, twins discordant for anencephaly
20.10.2011 Macy Ann new story of Macy Ann, baby with anencephaly
10.09.2011 Videos new link to the videos of Angelo Honrubia, Audrey Faith, Aurelia Rose, Brayley Jane, Carleigh McKenna, Esther, Luca Isaiah, Marcus Miguel, Rachel Alice and Shana Rae
07.10.2011 Przygotowanie do narodzin Twojego dziecka new page in Polish
20.09.2011 Facundo Ezequiel nueva historia en español
20.09.2011 Isabella nueva historia en español
14.09.2011 Pictures new pictures of Carleigh, baby with anencephaly
14.09.2011 Carleigh McKenna new story of Carleigh McKenna, baby with anencephaly
10.09.2011 Videos new link to the video of Aliyah Joy
09.09.2011 links to blogs new links to blogs about children with anencephaly
Thomas Palmer Joseph Evan Matthew Carys and Paxton Elizabeth
08.09.2011 Pictures new pictures of Khaylena, baby with anencephaly
08.09.2011 Khaylena new story about Khaylena
01.08.2011 Christopher and Harry new story about Christopher and Harry
24.07.2011 Carys and Paxton new story about Carys and Paxton
24.07.2011 Twins Coping with Anencephaly in a Twin pregnancy
04.07.2011 Links new link to the story of Carys Rainn and Paxton
29.06.2011 Gina Christie new story about a baby with anencephaly
28.06.2011 Stephanie Ann new story about a baby with anencephaly
07.06.2011 pictures new pictures of Leila Anne
07.06.2011 Leila Anne new story about a baby with anencephaly
07.06.2011 Links new links to stories about children with encephalocele
07.06.2011 Blogs new links to blogs of parents of a baby with anencephaly
26.05.2011 Links for fathers new link to Rob's blog about his daughter Charity Angelia
11.05.2011 Research about anencephaly New questions added to the anencephaly report survey
07.04.2011 Christina Neuer Erfahrungsbericht auf Deutsch, neues Foto
30.03.2011 Please don't hurt me a mother speaks about the very special journey of carrying twins when one twin is not expected to live after birth
30.03.2011 Memories new link to Happy Hands
30.03.2011 New address The anencephaly information site has a new address. From now on, you can reach our pages also under www.anencephaly.info, easier to remember. The old address is still working and we will not take it down.
30.03.2011 Neue Adresse Ab sofort können die Anencephalie-Seiten unter der einfacheren Adresse www.anencephalie.info aufgerufen werden. Die alte Adresse bleibt weiterhin gültig.
30.03.2011 Nouvelle adresse Le site anencéphalie-info a reçu une nouvelle adresse plus simple à retenir. Vous pouvez maintenant nous trouver sous www.anencephalie.info. L'ancienne adresse restera cependant toujours valable.
16.03.2011 Stories new quote on the story page
14.02.2011 Dutch site new contact address
06.02.2011 Links about anencephaly new link to Timothy Frank's blog
05.02.2011 Links about anencephaly New link to David's story, 6 weeks old and doing well
05.02.2011 Songs for grieving parents New song: Hold fast by Mercy Me
04.02.2011 Anna e Logan Nova História em Português
04.02.2011 Robert William Nova História em Português
03.02.2011 Anna Joy Nova História em Português
03.02.2011 Camdyn Nova História em Português
03.02.2011 links about anencephaly New link to Dylan Jonathan's site
03.02.2011 Pictures of babies with anencephaly New pictures of Konnor Scott
03.02.2011 Konnor Scott New story about Konnor Scott, a baby with anencephaly
28.01.2011 Links about anencephaly new section with links to texts and stories written by fathers of a baby with anencephaly
18.01.2011 Deutsche Links Neuer Link zu Ambulante pädiatrische Palliativversorgung" in Schleswig Holstein
14.01.2011 Ultrasoundpictures of babies with anencephaly New 3D ultrasound picture of Faith Elizabeth
14.01.2011 Pictures of babies with anencephaly New pictures of Faith Elizabeth
14.01.2011 Faith Elizabeth F. New story about Faith Elizabeth, a baby with anencephaly
13.01.2011 Pictures of babies with anencephaly New pictures of Gracelyn Hope
13.01.2011 Gracelyn Hope New story about Gracelyn Hope, a baby with anencephaly
04.01.2011 Literatur über Anenzephalie Neuer Hinweis auf den Artikel "Wieviel Gehirn braucht der Mensch" von Andreas Zieger
04.01.2011 Links about anencephaly new link to Anastasha Kalil's blog
28.12.2010 Links about anencephaly new link to Cayla Annyse's memorial video
15.12.2010 Facts about anencephaly Call for data: parents who have carried to term a baby with anencephaly are asked to answer some questions for a medical report.
16.11.2010 Shelley New story about Shelley, a baby with anencephaly born in 1965
03.12.2010 Fotos von Kindern mit Anenzephalie Neue Bilder von Stella und Medeia, Zwillingsmädchen
17.11.2010 links sobre anencefalia Novos links em Português
17.11.2010 Fotos Novas fotos na página Português
17.11.2010 Amanda Nova História em Português
17.11.2010 Vitoria de Cristo Nova História em Português
17.11.2010 Malachi Samuel Nova História em Português
16.11.2010 Stella und Medeia Neuer Erfahrungsbericht über Stella und Medeia, Zwillinge diskordant für Anenzephalie
16.11.2010 Emily and Hayden New story about Emily and Hayden, twins discordant for anencephaly
16.11.2010 Deutsche Literatur Neue Rezension über das Buch "Dennoch gute Hoffnung" von Klaus Schäfer
14.10.2010 Carrying to term resources New link to My Very Own Angel
14.10.2010 Links New links to the stories of babies with anencephaly: Alfonso, Emma and Connor and Mary Therese
15.09.2010 Anna Joy New story about Anna Joy, a baby with anencephaly
15.09.2010 Create memories New link to Build A Bear who allows to add a personalized recording (your baby's heartbeat) into a stuffed animal that will play every time it's hugged
13.09.2010 Vitoria New story and pictures about Vitoria, a baby with anencephaly who was born in January 2010 and is still alive!
13.09.2010 Links New link to the blog about Vitoria de Cristo, a baby with anencephaly who was born in January 2010 and is still alive!
07.09.2010 Music New song on the page with songs for grieving parents: Before the Morning, by Josh Wilson
25.08.2010 Links Neuer Link zur Homepage von Hope Marie, Baby mit Anenzephalie
14.08.2010 Links New link to the slideshow about Ella Christine, baby with anencephaly
10.08.2010 Links New link to the blog about Karinne Claire, baby with anencephaly
09.08.2010 Jenna Jenna's parents had another healthy subsequent baby!
26.07.2010 links New link in Italian: La Quercia Millenaria
26.07.2010 Samuel David La storia di Samuel David, bébé con anencefalia
new story in Italian
12.07.2010 Links Nouveau lien vers "Les berceaux du ciel", association s' occupant spécifiquement du deuil périnatal dans l'Ille-et-Vilaine.
12.07.2010 Links New links to Noah Tobias's blog and video
08.07.2010 Mi Angel La storia de Mi Angel, bébé con anencefalia
new story in Spanish
25.06.2010 Liens Nouveau liens vers l' Association pour un conseil global concernant le diagnostic prénatal
21.06.2010 L'attachement L'attachement parent-enfant avec des enfants atteints d'anencéphalie
21.05.2010 Mercy Ships New story about a baby with encephalocele that was succesfully removed on the hospital ship Africa Mercy
21.05.2010 Mercy Ships Neuer Erfahrungsbericht eines Kindes mit Enzephalozele, das auf dem Krankenhausschiff Africa Mercy operiert werden konnte
21.05.2010 Mercy Ships Nouveau témoignage d'un bébé atteint d'encéphalocele qui a pu être opéré sur l'Africa Mercy
05.05.2010 Blogs New link to the blog of a family affected by anencephaly: Jack
14.04.2010 Creating Memories New idea
14.04.2010 Blogs New link to the blog of a family affected by anencephaly: Amelia Grace
01.04.2010 Subsequent pregnancies New link to Anencephaly Support Sub Pregnancies
29.03.2010 Music New song on the page with songs for grieving parents: He will carry me
29.03.2010 Marcel und Maximilian Neuer Erfahrungsbericht auf Deutsch, Zwillinge von denen einer Anenzephalie hat
19.03.2010 Music New song on the page with songs for grieving parents: Voice of Truth
16.03.2010 Music New song on the page with songs for grieving parents: One More Day
02.03.2010 Music New song on the page with songs for grieving parents: Smallest Wingless
25.02.2010 Foglio informativo our pamphlet for parents who just got the diagnosis of anencephaly for their unborn baby is now available in Italian
22.02.2010 Music New page with songs for grieving parents
21.02.2010 Blogs New links to several blogs of families who had or are carrying to term a baby with anencephaly
08.02.2010 Deutsche Links Neuer Link zu Früher Abschied
Informationen für trauernde Eltern
04.02.2010 Support Groups New link to Anencephaly.co.uk, an outreach for parents of a baby in anencephaly in the UK
27.01.2010 Article New to download: article "Spontaneous pregnancy outcome after prenatal diagnosis of anencephaly"
19.01.2010 Publications about anencephaly New blog with publications about anencephaly
19.01.2010 Blogs New links to several blogs of families who had or are carrying to term a baby with anencephaly
18.01.2010 Blogs New links to Mark Allen's and Benaiah Darwin's blog
18.01.2010 Video and slideshows New link to Taylor James Collins' slideshow.
14.01.2010 Blogs New link to Isabel Jane's blog
18.12.2009 The golden footprint notebook Make a special notebook with your baby's footprint
17.12.2009 Emmett New story in English
30.11.2009 Русский New page in Russian
30.11.2009 Slovenski New page in Slovenian
30.11.2009 Pamflet v Slovenski Our pamphlet about anencephaly is now available in Slovenian
24.11.2009 Videos New link to Emily Jean's video
24.11.2009 Blogs New link to Emily Jean's blog
20.11.2009 Um arco-íris de pezinhos Faça um arco-íris de pezinhos
19.11.2009 Der Spuren-Regenbogen Wie Sie mit den Fussabdrücken Ihres Babys eine wunderschöne Deko machen können
17.11.2009 A rainbow of footprints How to make a great wall decoration with your baby's footprints
15.11.2009 Preparation of the birth New advice on the preparation page
13.11.2009 Flyer in Indonesian Our pamphlet about anencephaly is now available in Indonsian
13.11.2009 Folheto Informativo Folheto Informativo Crianças com Anencefalia em português
13.11.2009 Infoblatt auf Russisch Unser Infoblatt ist nun auch auf Russisch verfügbar
14.10.2009 Save a baby's life it's possible
14.10.2009 Retten Sie Leben So können Sie das Leben eines Babys retten
01.10.2009 Sauvez la vie d'un bébé c'est possible
08.09.2009 Memories of Jason Jason's grandmother's eulogy
29.07.2009 Zak Nathan New story in English
11.07.2009 Unser Buch ist da!!! Nach mehrjähriger Forschungskooperation zwischen Spezialisten aus verschiedenen Gebieten und betroffenen Eltern konnte nun ein Buch herausgegeben werden, das ganz den Kindern mit Anenzephalie und ihren Familien gewidmet ist. Es enthält Beiträge aus der Medizin, der Sonderpädagogik, der Psychologie, der philosophischen und theologischen Ethik sowie auch Berichte betroffener Eltern.
11.07.2009 Clara and Caleb New story in English
11.06.2009 Pictures New pictures of Anthony Jr
11.06.2009 Anthony Jr New story in English
29.05.2009 Deutsche Literatur Neuer Hinweis auf das Buch "L(i)ebenswert"
29.05.2009 English Links New link to the American child photographers Charity Guild
29.05.2009 Eoin New story in English
29.05.2009 Pictures New pictures of Jordan Marie
14.05.2009 Sarah und Philipp Sarahs Geschichte wurde völlig überarbeitet und ergänzt
01.05.2009 Links Anencephaly Information available now in Indonesian!!
24.04.2009 English Links New link to William Jason's blog
21.04.2009 Peter New story in English
14.04.2009 Bibliography 'A Rose in Heaven', new book review added
14.04.2009 English Links New link to Logan Quinn's blog
06.04.2009 Carmen Arviansyah New story in English
06.04.2009 Samuel's saga My sister-in-law had baby with anencephaly
06.04.2009 Pictures New pictures of Samuel David and Carmen Arviansyah
06.04.2009 Samuel David New story in English
06.04.2009 Kylie Marie New story in English
16.03.2009 Bibliography New books added to the list of helpful books
04.03.2009 Giovanna A nova pàgina em Português està online
25.02.2009 Facts New quotation by Dr. Paul Byrne
12.02.2009 Literatur deutsch Neue Hinweise auf Zeitschriftenartikel und Filme
06.02.2009 Eltern-Kind-Bindung Neuer Artikel auf deutsch
05.02.2009 Dutch Links New links to Make a Memory
05.02.2009 Links New links to blogs of families affected by anencephaly
05.02.2009 Bonding with a terminally ill unborn New article
22.01.2009 Ajani Josiah New story in English
20.01.2009 FAQ New Illustration of a baby with anencephaly
15.01.2009 Taylor Wayne update for Taylor's story
09.01.2009 Faith Elizabeth New story in English
07.01.2009 Pictures New picture of Gianna Faith-Dawn
28.12.2008 Taylor Wayne New story in English
28.12.2008 Pictures New pictures of Taylor Wayne
23.12.2008 Gianna Faith-Dawn New story in English
15.12.2008 Deutsche Literatur Neuer Artikel "Das halte ich nicht noch mal aus" über eine Folgeschwangerschaft
27.11.2008 deutsche Literatur Neue Rezension zum Buch "Undendlich Klara"
27.11.2008 Facts about anencephaly New link to the research project SBRR
23.10.2008 Mijn zus New page in Dutch
08.10.2008 Links New link to String of Pearls
07.10.2008 Carrying to term stories New links on the CTT page.
Maddox trisomy 18
Annabel Grace trisomy 18
02.10.2008 2 million visitors !! The Anencephalie Information pages have got 2 million (2'000'000) visitors since they were first published December 2000. We are sad that there is a need for such a place, but glad for every family affected by anencephaly who can find helpful information on our site.
01.10.2008 Pictures New pictures of Grayson Abbott
30.09.2008 Grayson Abbott New story in English
18.09.2008 Polish site New site in Polish
08.09.2008 Links New link to Chase's slideshow
02.09.2008 Links New link to Eden Rebekah's story
28.08.2008 Links New link to newspaper stories
27.08.2008 Links Neuer Link zu Familien besonderer Kinder
07.08.2008 Carrying to term page New link to Jacob Ryan's story (trisomy 18)
04.08.2008 Carrying to term page update of the page with new links
04.08.2008 Pictures New pictures of Noah Alexander
04.08.2008 Noah Alexander Update on Noah's page
30.07.2008 Vorbereitung der Geburt Neues Zitat
29.07.2008 Carrying to term page New page with links to stories of parents who carried their baby to term despite a poor prenatal diagnosis
22.07.2008 Links New links to videos of babies with anencephaly
22.07.2008 Zion-Grace Elizabeth New story in English
04.07.2008 Neue Fotos Neue Fotos von Rabea und Raphaela
04.07.2008 Rabea und Raphaela Neuer Bericht auf Deutsch
23.06.2008 English links new medical link
12.06.2008 Deutsche Literatur Zwei neue Buchempfehlungen
30.05.2008 Family and friends New poem from Eddie's grandma
20.05.2008 Links New link to Gabriel James' page
20.05.2008 Links New link about grief, a breathtaking story of Calvin and Hobbes
05.05.2008 Links Neuer Link zum Verein Weitergehen
18.04.2008 Marion et Léa Nouveau témoignage sur Marion et Léa
07.04.2008 Noah update on Noah's page
04.04.2008 Links New link to the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
01.04.2008 Nederlandse links New link in dutch to Jonas' pages
11.03.2008 What family and friends can do New quotes
11.03.2008 Preparation of the birth New quotes
05.03.2008 Deutsche Links Neue Links zur Lissenzephalie
03.03.2008 pictures New pictures of Isaac Ayden
29.02.2008 My Child, My Gift A great resource book is finally available
29.02.2008 Isaac Ayden New story in English
14.02.2008 Austin New link to an article about Austin's family
02.02.2008 Noah update on Noah's page
02.02.2008 Noah New story in English
11.01.2008 pictures New pictures of Austin John
11.01.2008 Austin John New story in English
06.12.2007 Fakten über Anencephalie "Forschungsprojekt "Kinder mit Anencephalie"
28.11.2007 Facts about anencephaly Research being done about anencephaly
26.11.2007 Links New Links: support for carrying to term
19.11.2007 HON Accreditation The anencephalie-info site is now accredited by the non governemental organisation HON as a site that provides useful and reliable online medical and health information. This site subscribes to the Code of Conduct (HONcode) principles
19.11.2007 Chase New picture of Chase
14.11.2007 Sandra Maritza New story in English
06.11.2007 deutsch Die neuen deutschen Seiten sind online!
23.10.2007 nederlands The new Dutch site is online
18.10.2007 portuguesa A nova pàgina em Português està online
15.10.2007 español The new Spanish site is online
12.10.2007 english The new English site is online
10.10.2007 italiano Le nouveau site italien est en ligne
06.10.2007 français Le nouveau site français est en ligne